Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blogging With Your Mobile Phone

If you are the kind of person who likes to keep everyone up to date with what you are doing, then the ability to update your online blog using your mobile is a great boon, and something that you may want to consider when you next upgrade. In the modern world, more and more people keep an online blog, both for business and personal reasons, and keeping it up to date is always appreciated by readers. Although almost any phone with GPRS access is able to connect to websites like Blogger or Wordpress in order to allow you to add text content to a blog, there are only a limited number of mobile phones that actually let you upload pictures to the server, and if this is an important consideration for you, then getting a smart phone with full internet capabilities is probably your best option. In many ways, Nokia are regarded as the specialists in offering a smart phone service. The latest communicator model includes a full QWERTY keyboard and internet access, which makes it an absolute breeze to write your entry and add it to your blog. The Nokia N95 is also a top quality smart phone with excellent capabilities when it comes to adding content to your online diary, although it can be time consuming to write a long entry using the numeric keypad. If you have a proper smart phone with Windows mobile installed on it, then you will find it remarkable easy to add content to a blog thanks to the additional features offered by the operating system, such as a full version of Internet explorer that works as an FTP client to upload files such as images and video to your online presence. Blogging with your mobile phone allows you to keep your diary up to date and constant. It means that as soon as something happens that you should report on, you are able to let people know immediately, and share the events in your life with your readers as soon as you are able. If you blog on your mobile, you will find that it is harder work than on a regular computer, but it is more immediate, and if you use your phone to take the pictures ad videos that you use to illustrate your entries, then it is a great way of cutting down on the number of different applications that you use in order to keep in contact with the rest of the world online. Mark Hirst writes for Best Mobile Contracts , a website that specialises in finding the best mobile phone deals . We compare the market in seconds saving you time and money. For Nokia N95 deals visit us today.

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