Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Communication Accelerates Business - Use Your Cell Phone Responsibly

The fastest way to accelerate your business to higher profits is to use communication tools to talk with your employees, your vendors, your executive team and of course your customers. Every business executive should talk to at least five customers per week at the unit level. For instance if you are an executive with McDonald s Corp. you should talk to soccer moms at the soccer field, people shopping in the mall, business people on their lunch break and kids who are riding the skateboards and ask them about their dining experience. I am sure Ray Kroc would agree - know your customer and know them well. Communication accelerates business but it is your responsibility to communicate, if you fail to communicate and to listen you will fail in business. You need state-of-the-art communication tools for your business whether it is large or small and you need to be in constant communication with all the people who help make your business great. Neglecting this responsibility will cost you in profits, sales and its future. Use those business tools to the best of their abilities. Make sure your cellular service has the options you need and use those tools. Accelerate your business through communication. Think of all the ways you can communicate with people. You have fax machines and telephone systems and e-mail. You wear a cell phone where ever you go, use it and use it well and learn all the features - communication in business is your greatest tool and one of your greatest assets - don t blow it. When was the last time you have had an audit of your telephone system, is it up to date? Is your current cell service to all the things that you were promised and does it do all the thing that you need it to do? Do you have a contact manager attached to your cell phone so you have every single person s phone number who is important to your business readily accessible? You need to be thinking here, you need to be thinking about communication. L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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